John Dies at the End (2012)
Title : John Dies at the End
Release : 25 January 2013
Rating :
6.4 / by 35,066 users
Runtime : 1h 39min
Genre : Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi
Stars : Chase Williamson, Rob Mayes, Paul Giamatti
Director :
Overview : "John Dies at the End 2012 A new street drug that sends its users across time and dimensions has one drawback: some people return no longer human. Can two college drop-outs save humanity from this silent, otherworldly invasion?"

Synopsis détails
John Dies at the End Tell about 2012 : "Overview : A new street drug that sends its users across time and dimensions has one drawback: some people return no longer human. Can two college drop-outs save humanity from this silent, otherworldly invasion?"
John Dies at the End Official Teaser (2012) Trailer #1
John Dies at the End Play 2012
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#John Dies at the End HD1080p (2012)
#John Dies at the End- Online(2012)
#John Dies at the End - HD 1080p(2012)
#John Dies at the End-(2012)
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